Rudiment Ⅲ

Very integrally basic issue is obviously trust makes us regard mutually very contradictory reality in which we see it as so private and so formally or officially as dutiful.

Necessarily, in work, as the same team member, to one colleague, or work fellow, we usually easily to have both consciousness.

Nevertheless, business, or working accompanying efficiency rating or so, necessarily rating responsible ones, the same team fellows or so and either rated one should have objective stance at regarding trust, that necessarily must be publicly just and appropriate regard.

Paul Ricœur mentions in Soi-même comme un autre as next.

"On the contrary just to contracting relevance of reasonable human relation and either merely over the subjective morality, according to he term signified at ethical text as Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences, it must be defined as field of objective spirit.

Citizen society as competitively interest relevant also could not output organic personality regarded concrete field, though political society emerges as the sole means which can go against subdivision to isolated individual so really."

Upper Ricœur's indication shows us that politics functions as tool to criticize economics advantageous efficiency rating regard and its superiority with keeping intention to all employees' human right.

We all generally social citizens are fundamentally ambivalent presence of both personally human right guaranteed and mutually fellowship done so, and subjectively wishing contribution to society through company, in other words, we have both consciousness with personally feeling and getting own rejoice at working and publicly knowing own dutiful completion.

And ordinarily, we could not divide these two seen only mutually contradictory consciousness, never yet actually in our mind, these two regarding minds must cross together and undivided.

Consequently, we can conclude that trust could have very ambivalently doubled meanings, that relies on both to other one, and to each "myself", we personally hold and share to any other one that trust means doing so personally for keeping bond at work, and at large extent, publicly bonds should be secured, then necessarily trusting consciousness should be assessed with public social profit and each individual employee's duty must depend on its necessity.

Necessarily, to us, contracting reality either means that publicly regarding us as a member socially, and team individually and for our own profitable idea, there, we can discover mutual bonds with trust and contract even at so instantly gotten impression, both conceptual division makes us have an idea that personal mind equal to trust, and public mind as contract, either that relevance could be easily replaced with one as personal it equal to contract, and public mind as trust.

(to be continued)

Oct. 3rd.   2021

Note; Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences.

Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences - Wikipedia Hegel's main text to for whole posterity

Soi-même comme un autre 

 Soi-même comme un autre — Wikipédia (



